Saturday, September 26, 2009


Okay my attempt to stay true to my word...I have been working on posting some new pictures on Flickr.

Here's how it's going to work...I am currently going to finish up December as I had the other months throughout 2008. I want to try and stay as consistent as possible and I figure that's a way to finish up the whole year and start fresh for '09. For my 2009 pictures I will post my favorites from each month. This will allow me to speed up the process and get caught up much faster. I will post detailed pictures of the important events that have occurred in our family - ex. the Boys' Baptisms, Landon's 1st Birthday, etc... This will be the format I will continue with throughout '09. Who knows what will be in store for 2010!

Thanks for being patient with me!

Until Next Time...

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