Monday, September 29, 2008

Updating...My Next Project

Okay - so here's the deal. I am behind on updating...especially Flickr! I have tried to keep up with it, but I seem to take "too many pictures" and therefore want to post "too many pictures" and then try and tell a little story about each's a viscious cycle! Not to mention, with our crazy September...things got bumped even futher back. So, I've decided to post my pictures with no captions or titles (for now)...that will speed things up to where friends & family will actually get to see what we're up to NOW!

Once I get caught up - I will go back to the way I prefer to do things...after all this is one of the things I like to do very's like a window for you all to peek in and see what we're up to...

Start back peeking tomorrow...