Thursday, January 17, 2008


Andrew hit a major milestone yesterday...he slept in his new big boy bed for his nap AND through the night. Don't think it hasn't come with any challenges, however they have been quite minor and he is doing great.

I found myself with tears in my eyes as I was falling (trying to fall) asleep last night as I realized Andrew was no longer in the room next door. The security of knowing he was just in the next room was gone and I have to realize that he is growing up...way too fast I might add!

I have also started taking down some items in the "old" nursery to prepare for our new little guy. I am hoping to start painting on Sunday...but we'll see if that's a little too aggressive of a timeframe. I'll keep you all posted.

Until next time...enjoy the "official documentation" of his first time sleeping in his new bed.

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Few Holiday Pics...

Catch Up Time...

Okay - so I can't believe the last time I posted was on Halloween! All I can say is since then, we have had 3 birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas here, Christmas on the road...and getting everything ready for Andrew & the Baby.

Where to begin - All of the holidays were fantastic. Some were celebrated by the 3 of us...and others in the company of our family. It was quite a wonderful time! I will post pictures...

We are now getting Andrew's Big Boy Room ready to go. I bought the bed rail today and am hoping to start naps there tomorrow. Andrew is quite the charmer and comedian these days. He is a tremendous joy to be around, and we continue to keep each other on our toes.

My pregnancy is going well. I am going to be 31 weeks on Friday and it seems like the time is starting to fly by with all of the projects I have planned for myself in preparation for the new kiddo. I will admit that I am ready to meet him and can't wait to hold the little guy in my arms.

Well - that's a very brief summary of what's been going on...but I will do better in the new year. I am also working to get all of our pictures caught up on Flickr and I'm now starting our December pictures...if you like what you see here and want more than log-on to flickr....