Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Start of Our "Crazy Month"

This weekend is the beginning of what I am referring to as our "Crazy Month"...this next month holds so many events that I can't bear to think about it all at once. I must say that I am thankful for this though, because this means we are loved by (and love) our friends and family.

Tomorrow brings a surprise visit from my sister Carol - who is in town with my brother-in-law, Bart who is conducting business. We love it because we get to have fun with Aunt Carol for the day! The Kosciulek's are coming to visit us this weekend and they arrive tomorrow evening. We are very excited to see them, as it has been a year since our trip with them to Aspen. I will say it's ironic because I was pregnant with Landon when we saw them last, and Andrea is now pregnant with their second how a year can change lives! We are truly looking forward to both visits and I'm sure I will have the camera out and ready to capture every memory possible.

Here's an idea of what is coming over the next month...

Trip to Mimi's for her birthday
Cory's hoppin' a plane for a boy's weekend to Florida for some golf & KU Football
Grandma Aubuchon is coming down to visit
Landon's 6 Month Check-up
Landon's 6 Month Photoshoot
Talks of other friends/family coming down to visit for a day or 2
Our 6th Anniversary will kick off October...and I think I'm missing a few things.

Exhausted? I am...

Off to get some much needed sleep - Until next time.

Damn Geckos...part 2

Okay...since my last rant on these lovely creatures proved somewhat effective, I deceided to try it again. I think my previous mental thoughts scared the buggers, because I have only seen a couple of them since (and they have been outside). I alerted Cory where I saw them so we could be extra careful not to let them in the house. About a week ago I spotted one in the foyer, and thank goodness Cory caught it and released it...see they were getting too comfortable again... Last night they struck again! I was sweeping the kitchen floor and all of the sudden the floor was moving too, and I gasped and almost dropped my broom. Cory rolled his eyes and told me to get it...Yeah, right!!! I told Diva to "get the bug" and she scared it under our cabinet in the kitchen...GREAT! Now I have a gecko hanging out under a piece of furniture which is close to where I/we eat...and right in the middle of a very high traffic area...and we have company coming tomorrow!

I usually try not to kill them (as they do eat my other foe...bugs), but if it's going to be me catching it, or Diva catching it...I'll go Diva EVERY TIME!