Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Damn Geckos...part 2

Okay...since my last rant on these lovely creatures proved somewhat effective, I deceided to try it again. I think my previous mental thoughts scared the buggers, because I have only seen a couple of them since (and they have been outside). I alerted Cory where I saw them so we could be extra careful not to let them in the house. About a week ago I spotted one in the foyer, and thank goodness Cory caught it and released it...see they were getting too comfortable again... Last night they struck again! I was sweeping the kitchen floor and all of the sudden the floor was moving too, and I gasped and almost dropped my broom. Cory rolled his eyes and told me to get it...Yeah, right!!! I told Diva to "get the bug" and she scared it under our cabinet in the kitchen...GREAT! Now I have a gecko hanging out under a piece of furniture which is close to where I/we eat...and right in the middle of a very high traffic area...and we have company coming tomorrow!

I usually try not to kill them (as they do eat my other foe...bugs), but if it's going to be me catching it, or Diva catching it...I'll go Diva EVERY TIME!

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