Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Little Teaser...

We got Landon's 6 Month pictures taken on Sunday...and they turned out to be GREAT! Seriously, Heather took 129 pictures that day...although we decided to get some updated pics of the whole family so that accounted for some of them. It was a gut wrenching decision on which ones to choose, but I finally made my picks and here are a few of them for you to peek at...the rest will be posted on Flickr.

I will say these are the first ones that Landon is truly sitting up in...and he did a great job! You can also see his 1st 2 teeth in a couple!

Have I mentioned how much I adore my family? My heart feels like it's going to explode each and every time I think about them. I am so blessed!

Slowly But Surely...

Okay - I'm officially making progress on updating some pics on Flickr - Woo Hoo! Although I have to admit that I'm further behind than I remember! The important thing is that I'm working on it and I should be caught up sometime in the next century...