Friday, August 29, 2008

Having Fun

Well, if this is the way our "Crazy Month" is going to start off then I say BRING IT ON! We are all having a great time here! It was great to see Carol & Bart yesterday - and we had lots of fun playing bubbles, hide & seek, and all sort of other things with them. Their visit was too short, but we are looking forward to some more frequent visits as their business is opening an office in Frisco - Woo Hoo!

The Kosciulek's arrived safe and sound. I don't think Andrea & I have stopped talking yet! Cory & John enjoyed a game of golf this morning and then we will be grilling filet mignon's for dinner (YUM!)...enjoyed with some of Cory's perfected Mojito's...okay some of us will be gulping down these yummy adult beverages. (Andrea is carrying some prescious cargo due in November). Andrew is loving Taylor and they are playing great together. Landon is just having a great time being passed around by all...but I think his cheeks are sore from smiling so much and everybody squeezing them. :)

Now on to more hosting duties...just thought I would share a quick note with you!


Please tell Gustav to stay away from East Texas! He doesn't know what he's facing with a Bammes woman down there! :) Please keep my Mom in your thoughts & prayers as he comes on land Tuesday and/or Wednesday.