Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

As you will see we had such a great time tonight with our Halloween festivities! We had a few friends over for some fun and then took the kiddos out Trick-or-Treating. This year the boys went as Backyardigans...Andrew went as Tyrone and Landon as Pablo. Andrew had a ball Trick-or-Treating, and was fearless this year. Landon on the other hand, was slow to warm up to the idea...but then had some fun with it long as Mom was close by. Here are a few peeks...and if you want to see more go here.

Our Pumpkins - Beak 'Em Hawk & Pablo

Our Group

The Boys

Monday, October 19, 2009

Having Too Much Fun!

We have been having so much fun around here lately and I don't know how to keep up with everything! I have lots more pictures to update now...and am still trying to catch up with the old ones! Oh well, I love pictures...everything about I pay the price when it comes to keeping up with my updating.

Here is a quick run down of what we've been up to lately...

Andrew is having a blast at school and comes home with the best stories everyday. He is learning a lot, loves his teachers, and is making friends with all of the other kids in his class. There is a definite gender division amongst the class and I got to witness this myself at our first monthly class social. We had a lot of fun, and it was a pleasure for me to meet some of the other Moms and some of Andrew's new friends in class.

Landon is changing daily. I think he adds at least 2 or 3 words a day to his vocabulary. He is an amazing little man. Overall, he is quite a happy little guy...and his smile lights up the room! Watch out though...his temper packs a punch...and you don't want to be in the way of it. You never know what might light his he keeps you on your toes.

Cory & I had a night out last week, and went to see U2 in concert. It was held at the new Cowboy's Stadium and they really put on a great show. I didn't really know what to expect, but I came away a bigger fan which is always a good sign. The Cowboy's Stadium blew me away...although the navigation was a bit frustrating at times.

Cory had a major boys day out at the Texas vs. Oklahoma game on Saturday. It's a yearly tradition now for them to head down to the State Fair and make a day of it. I do have to say that Cory DOES proudly wear his KU colors to the game...he has to represent if he's going to go to a TX/OU game. From what I hear, they had a blast...and they can't wait until next year.

We went to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday. We had lots of fun petting and feeding goats, cows, and sheep. We got to ride a big hay ride and a little kiddie ride. Of course, we picked out some pumpkins to bring home too. It was a great afternoon out with the family...not to mention that we were eager to spend some time outside in the sun since it's been in hiding for 2 weeks down here!

Today, I took the boys to the "Big Park". Andrew's been begging for weeks to go...but due to the weather I always had to say no. We all had so much fun. Landon is fearless and will climb anywhere and try anything...which scared me one to many times today. It is fun to see him try to keep up with Andrew and the bigger kids...and I know soon he will be. Andrew couldn't be more social. He can make a friend at the drop of a hat, and has no problem going up and introducing himself (and the rest of the family) and getting to know the other kiddos. It's nice to watch the boys develop and become such well rounded individuals.

Well, it's getting late and if I hope to accomplish some of that updating I keep talking about I better call it a night. Keep checking back to Flickr...that's where the pictures are posted to.

Until next time...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Dear Cory -

Today is our 7th Anniversary and I couldn't be happier sharing my life with you. You are my partner in crime, my shoulder to cry on, and my rock. We have created so many wonderful memories together over the years...and whether we are glancing at each other from across the room to share an inside joke, finishing each others sentences, or sharing a quiet walk on the beach when no other words are necessary, I continue to realize that you are the love of my life. I don't know where I would be without you and I couldn't imagine having anyone else by my side. Seven years ago today was OUR special day...a day I will treasure forever...but seven years later I still want a piece of that cake! ;)

You are my everything and I know it will always be "Me & You"!
Love You Forever!