Sunday, March 29, 2009

Flickr Updating

I am excited to say I am finally finished posting our October pictures on Flickr! There were a lot of pictures due to all of our Halloween Festivities, but we had a great time at all of them and I wanted to share as much as possible with everyone.

I've decided to try something new with all of my updating. I am going to start integrating the blog & Flickr together. From now on,I will rarely post pictures on the blog. I will however be including links that will allow you to check out some of our sets/photo albums on Flickr. I'm hoping this will save me some time in the future and will enable me to keep things streamlined and up-to-date. I will not be posting links to all of the different sets/photo albums - so if you want access to everything let me know, and I'll send you an invite to my account on Flickr.

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
Fun Around the House

Looks like I will be starting on November now!

Until next time...