Monday, July 28, 2008

Andrew's Art Class - Week 3

Hard At Work

So Happy When Everyone Claps at His Art

Showing Off His Fish

Yeah - I Like It Too!

Fish - Close-Up

This week's class struck close to home. Miss Angie talked to us about animation and we focused on Finding Nemo (which Andrew loved). As you probably already guessed we got to make our own Nemo. We got to glue the fish and bubbles onto our comic portion of the newspaper, and then paint orange and white paint on the fish with a Q-Tip.

Until next week...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Damn Geckos!


First they start off as somewhat cute...and then they become an unwelcome house guest that you just can't get rid of! Every summer they arrive for a little stay in the Aubuchon house...and they officially arrived on Sunday. Diva got one (that's my girl!) on Sunday and that's how their '08 Aubuchon Vaca was announced. I saw another damn Gecko climbing up our bedroom wall as we were reading bedtime stories to Andrew last night and that gave me the creeps. Cory stopped the story to catch it and throw it back outside (my hero). To know they are in our room/house...and can climb all over me & my family during the night is just too much for me to comprehend. After I was laid off last summer, I had to stop being a girl and had to step and catch the critters the past I had left this heroic duty to Cory (& Diva)! I am hoping we don't have as many as we did last year...or if we do Diva and Cory can catch them so I don't have to!

I'm sure this is not going to be the last post on our summer freeloaders.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Andrew's Art Class - Week 2

Showing Off His Model Magic

Sitting in the Grass

Showing Off His Flower to Diva

Very Proud of His Flower

Flower - Close-Up

This week's class was lots of fun! We talked about flowers...and got to create one of our own. We got to glue down the 5 flower petals Andrew picked out, we got to mold the center of the flower out of Crayola Model Magic, a molding material that hardens, and finally Andrew got to paint the petals for a more colorful affect. Once again Andrew did wonderful! He loves using the glue stick and painting. Miss Angie even gave the kiddos some extra molding material to play with and take home, and that really made Andrew's day!

Andrew was also VERY excited to see Ashley. They ran over to each other and immediately starting jumping up and down and laughing together. They even gave each other a's just too cute!

I will attempt to bring the camera to catch Andrew in action next week...stay tuned!

What a Week!

Two Thumbs Up For Our Picnic


I'm Not Too Sure About This Squash

And All I Had To Do Was Go Poopy!

I Love My New Playground!

It has been quite an eventful week for us! We reached some major milestones and had some fun while we were at it!

1) Andrew is finally going poopy in his big boy potty! YEAH!!!! Andrew received a Little Einsteins toy he picked out at the store for doing so. It was his favorite toy, and this was his incentive for taking the next step. It still took 2-3 weeks of staring at it on the counter and discussing how he got it for him to do so though.

For those of you who have been through this you can relate and sympathize...for those of you who have not yet experienced this - then you will be able to relate and understand once you get there...and for those of you who don't want kids - thank your lucky stars that you do not have to endure the potty training experience!

2) Landon rolled over! He has been rolling from his back to his sides for quite some time now...but he finally made it all the way over to his tummy! It seems like time is flying by when it comes to Landon...again the cliche proves true that your kids grow up WAY TOO FAST!!!

3) Landon had his 4 month check up this week. He is healthy and growing like a weed! He is now weighing in at 15 lbs. 14 oz. and is 24 1/2 in. long! He also had 4 shots which he did not appreciate at all...neither did Mommy!

4) Landon got clearance to start trying/eating veggies! We can finally add a little flavor to that rice cereal! First veggie was squash. He hated it at fact he gagged so hard that he spit up his rice cereal...he learned to like it more and more as the days progressed. This morning was his first taste of green beans and he tolerated those well.

5) We finally got a little playground for our backyard. Cory picked it up on Tuesday and put it together that night. Andrew loves it and we have had lots of fun on it already. It's so nice to have something for the kids to climb around and play on in our yard!

6) We went for another family picnic last weekend. It was fun...but it was HOT!!! In fact, it was too hot to do much of anything after we ate. We tried to play in the park, however all of the equipment was burning Andrew's legs since they had been baking in the sun throughout the morning. It was worth the effort, however next time we will wait until it starts to cool down a little bit!

Well - I think that's it for this week!
Until next time...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Andrew's Art Class - Week 1

We signed Andrew up for an Art Class for something fun and different to do. We also wanted to get him around more kids, and gain some more social skills. The best part is his best bud, Ashley, joined the class too!

Today was the first of five classes. Miss Angie (our teacher) read us "The Hungry Catepillar" while we made our own version. Andrew did the majority of the work himself, and when he needed help he directed me on where he wanted it etc... He is very proud of his creation, so we wanted to share it with everyone.

Andrew did a wonderful job in class, and he wasn't shy at all (go figure). He just jumped right in and was ready to go! We can't wait to see what we get to do next week!

Stay tuned we will proudly showcase Andrew's art each week...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

AHHHH - Sweet Summertime!

I'm Starting to Feel Better!

Having Fun Outside!

MMMMM...I Like Popsicles!

So I'm Muddy - What Are You Looking At?!

Andrew is "Helping" Me Feed Landon

So, the boys haven't been feeling very well this week...and this is obviously been the first time I have had to take care of, and comfort two sick kiddos. Let me tell you the demands are huge, the nerves are frayed...but we have survived! I have perfected my juggling skills, and I think we're on the tail-end of this thing...I'm ecstatic!

That being said...we got out and played in our backyard yesterday. We had a wonderful time playing in the sprinkler, blowing bubbles, and laughing at Diva running around like a crazy woman (who we ultimately had to give a bath to b/c she got so muddy)! Andrew even tried his first popsicle...and his reaction was - "OOOOHHH I LIKE IT!" I honestly think he believes that Cory and I will only let him try gross things...b/c he seem throughly shocked when they are tasty and good.

The weather has been fabulous...warm, sunny, with a mild breeze. I just love summer!