Thursday, July 24, 2008

Damn Geckos!


First they start off as somewhat cute...and then they become an unwelcome house guest that you just can't get rid of! Every summer they arrive for a little stay in the Aubuchon house...and they officially arrived on Sunday. Diva got one (that's my girl!) on Sunday and that's how their '08 Aubuchon Vaca was announced. I saw another damn Gecko climbing up our bedroom wall as we were reading bedtime stories to Andrew last night and that gave me the creeps. Cory stopped the story to catch it and throw it back outside (my hero). To know they are in our room/house...and can climb all over me & my family during the night is just too much for me to comprehend. After I was laid off last summer, I had to stop being a girl and had to step and catch the critters the past I had left this heroic duty to Cory (& Diva)! I am hoping we don't have as many as we did last year...or if we do Diva and Cory can catch them so I don't have to!

I'm sure this is not going to be the last post on our summer freeloaders.

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