Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day '09

As promised, here is a summary of my wonderful Mother's Day...

I had made Bubble Bread, my favorite breakfast. A breakfast I never make because it makes so much & I'm really the only one that eats it. In fact, I usually ask my Mom to make it when we visit her...but I was craving it and decided it would be the perfect way to start off my Mother's Day festivities. I was hit the spot!

After breakfast, Cory had scheduled me for an hour and a half massage. He made sure to get just the right masseuse for me...and he did. For an hour and a half I was relaxed! The massage was just worked out my kinks, sore spots, etc...and I got to enjoy more than just a minute or two of silence all to myself. It was glorious!

After my massage, I was given instructions to drive to Arbor Hills Nature Reserve in Plano. This is a wonderful place. There are all sorts of trails, picnic areas, and a great park for the kids. Here Cory surprised me with a picnic lunch from Pei Wei (one of my favorites!) and not only were my 3 wonderful men there...but he brought Diva too! It was so much fun. I don't think I've ever gotten to enjoy the whole day with all 3 of my children and it was perfect. We spent several hours there...walking along the paths, taking pictures, & playing at the park. After that it was time to go home...some of us were in dire need of a nap! I walk in the door to find a gorgeous orchid on the counter. I have always admired them, but have always heard they are hard to care for. Well, it's my time to learn, because I now have one to gawk at daily...and I'm not going to let my green thumb (or lack there of) destroy this beautiful plant - I'm determined! I helped get the kiddos to bed and then I got to take a nap too! What more could a girl...or Mom ask for?! Sleep is always such a great gift! Cory ended up cooking dinner for all of us this Mommy really didn't have to worry about ANYTHING all day! It was marvelous!

Thank you to my thoughtful husband and my 3 adorable children for making my day such a special one. You guys are my life and it would be nothing without the joy you bring to me on a daily basis. It is my privilege to be your wife & mommy!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Well, we made an unexpected trip to Lake Lewisville today with our friends/neighbors. We have been trying for weeks to come up with a good time for us to get out there together and this morning was it...finally. When I woke up this morning I just knew that I needed some fresh air and a change of scenary. It was a cloudy, overcast, windy day...but any day having fun boating around with friends isn't a bad one at all! We just bundled up & went. We all had so much fun and I think it did me some good.

Here are some of my favorite pics...

The trip to the lake today made me realize how much I do enjoy going there...and how much I have missed it. The last time I was at the lake was the summer of '06 and the time before that was my last fishing trip with Dad in '02! Looking at it that way I think that it's sad. I know to some degree I avoid the lake because of all of the memories I have with my Dad...but why do I do that?! I should be going all of the time, because my Dad's spirit ignited when he was on the lake and THAT is what I should remember and cherish when I'm on the water! Man did he love going to the lake! It makes me sad that I didn't appreciate his passion as much as I should have. The lake obviously brings back wonderful memories of my Dad...and my mission this year is not to run away from my memories, but embrace, love, respect, and remember every detail I can...for that is what will keep my Dad alive!

Dad - just wanted to let you know that your grandsons love the lake, they love the boat, and love the wind in their hair. You would be so proud! I only wish you were here to teach them how to would have 2 fishing buddies by your side!

Friday, May 8, 2009


There isn't a day that goes by when I take my children for granted. I cherish every moment I have with them, every hug I get, every slobbery Landon kiss, every zerbert Andrew chooses to give to me on whatever body part is available at the time, every smile, every "Love you too" from Andrew, every growl from Landon, never ever will I ever stop giving thanks that I am their Mommy and they have been given to me as the greatest most priceless gifts I could have ever wished for. My heart explodes at how grateful I am for them.

Down & Out

As most of you know...I have been sick this week. I have officially been taken down by whatever I have. Usually, I can cope and tough it out...but not this time. It started on Monday evening as a minor sore throat & turned into something n.a.r.l.y. After my trip to the Dr. on Tuesday morning...I knew 2 things...

1) I didn't have strep (which I would have bet my life on at the time)

2) I officially had the flu (which I would have bet my life that I didn't have at the time).

Not only did I test positive for the flu...but it was Type A! For those of you who don't know the swine flu is found only in Type I got another joyful swab of my nose to send off to the CDC. The thing I find most amusing is that I won't know for 2 weeks how my test results came that time I will be well, so what's the freakin' point!

I thank my lucky stars that Cory was able to help with the boys Tuesday & Wednesday. I was so tired, weak, cranky, etc...that his help was not taken for granted. It seemed like such a big effort to move...let alone chase after Andrew & carry Landon around throughout the day. He was a lifesaver - and I love him dearly for being such a great husband & Daddy! I do hate having to miss out on all of the time at the park, Cory's work event at the RoughRiders game (the RoughRiders are a minor league baseball team), and quite possibly a birthday party. The best I can do is arm Cory with the camera and hope he uses it so I can catch a glimpse of the fun I am missing out on!

I really hope I am feeling better by Mother's Day. I always love Mother's Day...Cory (& the boys) always manage to find some way to make me feel so special & loved. It's fun to see what they have in store for me. Last year was a picnic in the park - food was furnished from my favorite sandwich shop and we soaked up the sunshine and showed Andrew how to fly a kite for the first time. It was also my first Mother's Day being a Mommy of 2 perfect angels...and so that made it even more special for me! I'll try and carve some time out on Sunday to fill you in on my day.

Until next time...