Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1% Away From Perfect Hearing!

We just got back from visiting Dr. Skiles this morning, and we got such great news I had to share it with everyone!

As most of you know, we have been battling the ear infection craze with Andrew from when he was very small. He constantly had an ear infection in one ear or the other (& sometimes both) and was always on the necessary antibiotics to fight these infections. We were in a never ending cycle...until our wonderful Doctor sent us to see Dr. Skiles a wonderful pediatric ENT. Almost 2 years ago now we had tubes placed in Andrew's ears and his adenoids removed. I have said over & over how this is one of the best things we have ever done. Andrew's hearing & speech tripled within the first few weeks of surgery...and as most of you know he hasn't slowed down since! He now quotes lines from movies, sings songs, tells knock-knock jokes, & keeps the whole family in stitches with his one liners.

Today, we had a 6-month check up to see how his ears and tubes are doing. We start off the appointment where they take a "picture" of the mobility of his ear drum and it has NEVER looked better. Dr. Skiles said that it looked like a text book image of what it was supposed to look like! He said that Andrew's ear never reacted as it should during this test...and today we have finally reached that point. Woo Hoo! Andrew also did a different type of hearing test today, and with that test his hearing came back at 99%! That means Cory & I are going to have to be super careful when we are trying to keep surprises because Andrew can hear almost EVERYTHING! His tubes are no longer in position in either ear, which means he has finally reached the point where his body is starting to take over the job that the tubes were in place to do. That means NO MORE EAR PLUGS!!! No more ear plugs in the bath or at the pool...HE'S FREE!!! The best news of the day (yes, there's more) is that based on the results today...there are no residual affects from all of those ear infections, the antibiotics, or the surgery itself. His ears are perfect...and all of our prayers have been answered!

Until next time...


Jill said...

What wonderful news! I'm so happy for him and for you and Cory. I know how hard it can be to see your little guy go through all of that. I also know how difficult it is to decide on surgery. Thank you Lord for this wonderful news and watching over your little Andrew!

Judy Aubuchon said...

That is great news!