Friday, March 6, 2009

So Much To Say...

Okay - I'm no where near caught up...but I couldn't hold out any longer.

I am officially working on October pictures in Flickr. Yes, I said Im no where near caught up! :) I cherish all of our photos, but geesh it gets a bit ridiculous when it comes to posting them for all to see! ;)

I just wanted make sure y'all know that I have the most special family in the world! I cherish them to pieces and I will never ever take a one of them for granted. The way they make me smile, make me walk taller because I am so proud of them, and the way they motivate me to be a better person, wife, and mother. I am eternally grateful that they are in my life! Cory, Andrew, & Landon - you are my most treasured gifts!

Andrew is a hoot these days. Keeps us in stitches and wondering where he comes up with some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth.

Scene: Kitchen - After dinner and we are cleaning up the table.
ANDREW: Can I put this cheese away?
MOM: Sure - put it in the drawer in the fridger (that's what Andrew calls the fridge)
DAD: You know the one with the turkey and other cheese
ANDREW: That's the cinnamon roll drawer!
MOM & DAD: Yes - That's the one
(Andrew puts the parm away in the drawer)
MOM: Thanks so much - that's such a great help!
ANDREW: It was my pleasure! There was nothing to it! I'm happy to help!

Andrew learned his first knock-knock joke and told it to me yesterday
ANDREW: Knock Knock
MOM: Who's there?
MOM: Cargo Who?
ANDREW: Car go Beep-Beep
Laughter erupts from both of us...and this joke is repeated throughout the rest of the less than another 50 times.

Landon is growing more & more each day. He is so much fun to play with and we just enjoy being around him. He has a vibrant personality and his face and eyes can light up a room. He has been a little under the weather lately...but hopefully we'll get him on the mend soon. He is army crawling everywhere and rolls up onto his knees all of the time. He just hasn't figured out how fast he will be able to motor in a "real" crawl, but I think we're close. He has also learned to roll up on his knees and roll back into a sitting position which he enjoys. It's amazing to witness all of the new discoveries he makes on a daily basis. It's hard to believe he's going to be 1 next week! This past year has really flown by - and we have loved having him in our family.

Well, I better run and get some "real" work done around here. I'm thinking about sneaking some peanut butter cookies into the agenda this afternoon Grandma's special recipe and they are wonderful!

Until Next Time...

(I will try and do a re-cap of all of our activities and what we've been up to over the past few months...but that will be down the road a bit.)

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