Monday, December 15, 2008

We Interrupt this Broadcast...

I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever and a day. Don't get your hopes up because it's not coming anytime soon either. :) I just wanted to let you know that I do remember I have a blog, and that I know I should be updating it...but it's Christmas time, and I of course have taken on way too many projects! Oh well, they are all worth it...once I get them done (ha!)!

1 comment:

harmony said...

Well, having a family, it being christmas time, jayhawk have a lot on your plate. I hope you are well and I hope that your sister made it safely to Dallas. The weather is crazy all over the States, but at least you always have your family.
I am heading to Las Vegas on xmas eve and will return on Boxing Day.
All of you are in my thoughts and I hope you have a fantastic Christmas.
My love to you and yours...