Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Year Ago Today...

A year ago has passed since one of my most frightening days as a parent. A year ago today was the day of Andrew's surgery. It was a year ago today that Andrew's life started to change drastically...because he was finally able to hear at 100% again. I was so nervous during that drive to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning, signing him in at the front desk, getting him dressed in his little gown and reading him books on his hospital bed like nothing big was about to happen, and then watching him walk away holding the nurse's hand into the Operating Room...with me and Cory waving to him and tears streaming down my cheeks. Then the waiting game took an hour and a half...and during that time Cory and I went down to grab something to eat...anything to keep our minds off the fact that our little 1 1/2 year old son was in surgery. When they came to tell us Andrew was okay Cory & I looked at each other with such relief...and thanked God, Papa, and all of the other angels looking over him & protecting him. They then took us into the recovery room, so we would be the first people he saw when he woke up...and we just hugged him and rocked him until it was time to go home.

His recovery was quicker than I expected, and the results of the surgery were dramatic. Andrew's speech improved almost instantly and his vocabulary tripled within a few was AMAZING! The best part is that he hasn't had one ear infection or been on any antibiotics since!

This procedure was such a blessing for him...and us.

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