Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good Stuff...

I just wanted to take a minute to say how thankful and blessed I am to have such wonderful family & friends. To those of you who have been by my side through thick & thin I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Life is going great! I look at my wonderful Cory and the 2 greatest kids that have ever existed on the planet and am overcome with love and joy. I don't know where, what, or who I would be without them. Cory keeps me in line with humor, love and understanding, yet supports me unconditionally. Andrew keeps me in stiches with his wit, and how he decides to use his ever growing vocabulary. The big word that cracks me up right now is "probably" ex. "That's probably too dark in there for me Mama"...or "Those jammies will probably be too hot for Andrew tonight Mom." I can honestly he does test me over and over...(and sometimes I think I might lose my mind)...but that's what being a Mommy is all about and I cherish him for keeping me on my toes. Landon -sweet baby Landon. He is calm, patient, and a smile machine. Whenever I need a pick-me-up I go over to Landon for some cuddles and his passionate, lovable smile does the trick every time. He is growing so fast...that it makes me proud yet sad all at the same time.

The weather down here has been glorious. It's been sunny, hot and perfect to get Andrew's sprinkler out so he can run through it. This is the first summer we have used it and Andrew fell in love with it immediately. Our flowers are blooming and it just makes me happy looking at the bright, vibrant colors. The only thing I wish is that we could have a true space to sit outside and enjoy it...but everything will come with time.

Well, I better run for now.
Love to you all!

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