Friday, October 19, 2007

One Heck of a Week!

So, the week is finally over - YEAH!

It has been quite a week for us. A week ago today, I was giving Andrew a bath and noticed a very severe rash under his arm. We decided to watch it over the weekend, and not be those over-reactive parents that everyone rolls their eyes at. I also started to feel bad last Friday - which did not make things any easier on the family.

We survived the weekend...barely. Monday rolls around I have had a temperature for 2 days and still feel horrible, and Andrew just started running one. One half of my brain said - "uh oh, he's getting what I have" the other half said "OH NO! What if it has something to do with the lifeform that has taken over Andrew's arm pit?!". That's when I called the Dr and got us an appointment for a couple of hours later.

Long story short...the Doc was shocked at Andrew's rash and immediately got him on some aggresive meds (in case it was staph) and I had strep throat for the first time in my life. Good grief. We also had to make an appt. for 3 days later to make sure Andrew was reacting positively to the meds.

Cory has had to put in a long (but productive) week at work. We missed him this week, but are quite proud of him to say the least. We are ready for the weekend to get here, so we can get some much needed Daddy time.

It's now Friday, I am feeling like a new woman. I am now 18 weeks along and doing well. Andrew is doing a LOT better. The rash isn't completely gone, however the improvement is indescribeable. I got the call today that it wasn't staph (WHEW!) and that it was a bacterial infection of some sort. (I'm also hoping that Cory stays healthy throughout this whole ordeal too). So now, we're ready for the weekend!

We don't have any big plans for the weekend. We will be working on Halloween will have to wait and see what we are working on...hopefully we will pull it off. Cory's going to get a round of golf in (weather permitting) and I will be preparing for some company.

Becky, (my sister) is flying in on Monday! We will be driving down to my Mom's to spend some much needed daughter, mother, (& Grandson) time next week. She also sent me the amazing photo that I posted today. She has a way of capturing those moments...and this is another one I will add to my collection of faves and cherish forever. There is no question why she has chosen to be a professional photographer, right?!

That's all for now...until next time.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Awww...shucks! Thanks're too sweet! Your encouragement keeps me going during those tough times getting things up and running! I wish we were'd have free pics for LIFE! Love ya!